SubSider .
Mani Plast Jam was registered in the office for registering non-commercial institutions and companies of Theran in May. 03, 2011 with registration No. 403408 and its activity is to produce various types of plastic containers artifacts in food, cosmetics, health, pharmaceutical, etc. areas.
Mani-Yar Tejarat Company was registered on Aug. 16, 2016 with registration No. 496867 in Company Registration Office and its activity is to produce various types of IML packaging containers, various food, cosmetics, and health products, as well as imports of various food, cosmetics, and health products.
Mani-Yar No-Andish Company was registered on Jan. 07, 2017 with registration No. 5894 and its activity is to import the machinery needed by factories, importing raw material for factories, using idle capacity of cosmetics, as well as distribution sector.
Nationwide National Distribution Company was established in Dec. 01, 2010 and its activity is in the area of nationwide and channel distribution of various food, cosmetics, health, and detergent products.